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Andre Montgomery Jr Death: Former Sweetie Pie’s Star Sentenced To Life For Murdering Nephew



Andre Montgomery Jr Death Former Sweetie Pie's Star Sentenced To Life For Murdering Nephew

Before we explore the details of Andre Montgomery Jr. Let us tell you about the incident that happened between his nephew, James Norman.

Recently, former TV show star James Norman, who features in “Welcome to Sweetie Pie” has been sentenced to lifetime prison for ordering the shootout to murder Andre Montgomery Jr, and over $450,000 worth of life insurance on Andre Montgomery.

He was accused of arranging and ordering the death of his nephew in March 2016, when Andre was only 21 years old. Andre Montogomery Jr was killed by Travell Anthony Hill in an exchange for $5,000 on Natural Bridge Drive. Travell was sent to prison for 32 years after he admitted that Norman paid him for the execution.

In addition, two other individuals were also included in the killings – Terica Taneisha Ellis was paid $10,000 by Norman for finding the location of Andre Montgomery Jr and disclosing it to Hill. Terica has been sentenced to three years in prison after a confession.

Meanwhile, a fourth person – an insurance agent, Waiel Rebhi Yaghnam, was also sentenced to three years in prison for helping Norman to file and claim Montgomery’s life insurance policy. 

Who Is Andre Montgomery Jr?

Andre Lawon Mongomery Jr was born on October 14, 1994, in San Diego, California to Michell Griggs and Andre L. Montgomery Sr. Later they moved to Lubbock, Texas. Andre completed his schooling at Estacado High School in Lubbock and graduated from McClure North in St, Louis Missouri.

Andre Montgomery Jr

Andre also starred in his grandmother, Robbie Montgomery’s reality show “Welcome to Sweetie Pie,” alongside his grandmother as well as convicted uncle James Tim Norman.

Following the death of Andre Mongomery Jr, his grandmother Robbie stated that she was not aware of what Tim did and was accused of. She added that no matter the circumstances he would be the baby she gave birth to, therefore she would love him like every mother loves their child. She assured me that there was no question about that.

Reports suggest that Norman was desperate for money because of killing his nephew for an insurance claim, as he was evicted from his apartment due to his $91,000 debt in rent.

Prior to Andre’s murder, back in 2015. Andre accused Tim of scaring him off during the 2015 burglary that reported a loss of $220,000 worth of cash, jewelry, and other items. At the time, Tim believed the possibility of Andre stealing all the jewelry and cash.

But prior to his hearing, Jim Norman refused to say that he ordered to kill. He stated that he only wanted to learn the whereabouts of Andre on the night of Burlgary, at his mother’s house.

In an Instagram post, Tim thanked ‌all the players. He admitted that he was in disbelief of the count of charges and testifying against him. He claimed that the feds knew that he was not guilty and that he did not intend to hurt his nephew.

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In addition, he added that no one person in the stand in front of him told him that he instructed them to hurt Andre. He assured that everybody is trying to destroy his image so that nobody finds out the truth.

Despite Ellis, Hill, and Yaghnam pleading guilty to the charges, Tim Norman refused to do so. According to reports, he plans to fight against the charges as he intends to remain innocent. From his perspective, there is more to the truth than words from the associated killers.

As the trial is ongoing, only time can tell the decision of the judge.

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