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The Future of Video Creation: Will AI take over?



AI can be found just about everywhere nowadays. Unfortunately, however, many have become divisive over the technology – some being amazed at what AI can accomplish while others concerned by what might come of it all.

There has been much discussion around AI’s potential impact on human employment, with AI capable of performing tasks that would take us minutes or seconds to do on their own, at an extremely efficient rate. One industry where this could become problematic is content production.

AI technology has already proven capable of producing articles in minutes that would normally take writers much longer to produce. At the same time, video creators have experienced changes to how they complete their roles. While AI will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on this niche, is its influence positive or detrimental?

AI Advances in Video Editing

Undeniable, AI has proven to be an effective tool for those looking to cut time and save money on costs. There are no two ways about it. It is an unfortunate circumstance for those who work in content creation to experience. Still, companies have found this positive that is impossible to ignore, especially when considering their bottom line.

Additionally, with the progress that AI has managed to achieve in terms of development and its continued ability to learn, video creating software has started to mimic what talented editors are able to do. They are able to undertake complex tasks and be able to improve existing videos in a matter of seconds. The technology is also able to make recommendations in an instant that humans may not be able to see, which can then be implemented long before they are even recognized. Human error is also reduced, thus saving time and costs.

AI’s Limitations in Video Creation

However, there are a number of limitations with AI that suggest human video content creators will still be necessary in the near future. AI does not possess the creative talent that some of the most talented individuals do and so cannot incorporate human elements into video production and editing processes as effectively – this limits content produced due to lack of originality which may not resonate well with audiences watching what has been created. In a market that is as competitive as video creation and billions of content being uploaded daily, originality is perhaps one of the best ways for a creator to stand out.

Empowering the Creative Process

It would be wise to embrace what AI can bring to the market and how it can help enhance the creative process. The technology can allow editors to spend more time finding things such as stock footage to use in their videos. AI can then focus on repetitive aspects or even work on things such as creating a storyboard or generating briefs that can be followed. It can even be used to try and help create new ideas, which creators can then branch off and further develop into their own ideas.

The Future of Video Creation

The future is an uncertain time for those working in a creative environment. AI has already shown that it has the potential to replace them as it can do a variety of roles that are typically found within the jobs that are available. The scary thing for many is that it can still get better as it continues to learn. However, those in the video content creation industry should embrace the current benefits and advantages. It would perhaps be best to describe the future as involving a mixture of AI and human aspects – perhaps a “hybrid model”. Both will be able to work together, which can then help them to create the best videos possible.

AI will Continue to Play a Role

Whatever way we continue to look at it, there is no denying that AI is here to stay, and it will only develop into something greater in the future. The best way to look at the technology at the moment is in a positive way, as there are still some limitations that only humans can provide – such as a creative mind and personality. AI can eliminate and streamline tedious and repetitive tasks, while humans can spend more time making original videos that resonate with their audiences, thus making them watchable.

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