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Marburg Virus Took Nine Lives: Symptoms, Transmission, And Treatment



Marburg Virus Took Nine Lives Symptoms, Transmission, And Treatment (2)

The World Health Organization confirmed the first-ever outbreak of Marburg disease in an African country. Marburg disease is a hemorrhagic fever or a fatal illness in humans. Recently, Marburg disease took nine lives and the first outbreak was reported in Kie Ntem Province from Equatorial Guinea. 16 other people are suspected of similar symptoms.

Nearly 200 people who have been directly linked to the affected people are under observation. They are subjected to quarantine to prevent the epidemic. The world health organization informed people to take preventive measures. 

The world health organization data reveals that it is similar to the Ebola virus and highly virulent and has a fatality ratio of up to 88%.  Equatorial Guinea confirmed that it is the first outbreak of Marburg disease on Monday. The nine test samples turned out positive and the health practitioners said that the virus can spread easily when compared to other viruses.

WHO Confirms Disease Outbreak

The first Marburg disease outbreak was reported in the central African country. African countries are marked for the previous outbreaks and other pandemics, especially South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, Guinea, DR Congo, and Angola. 

Ghana reported two deaths due to Marburg disease last July. The authorities officially declared the pandemic in September. However, the previous outbreaks are mainly reported in west Africa. As aforementioned, sporadic cases are constantly reported in other parts of Africa such as DR Congo, Guinea, Kenya, South Africa, and Congo. 

The statement declared that the medical teams have been placed in the affected districts. The people who came to direct contact with the affected people are under quarantine and they have been given proper medical care, especially those showing symptoms of the Marburg virus. The authorities also facilitated the exporting of laboratory glove tents for sample testing and the hemorrhagic fever kit. 

Symptoms of Marburg Virus

The World Health Organization states that the Marburg virus is similar to the Ebola virus and both are members of the Filovirdae family. The two diseases are clinically similar. Marburg diseases are rare but it has the capacity to cause outbreaks with high fatality rates. The symptoms of Marburg disease are severe headache, malaise, muscle aches, severe watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, and cramping. In some cases, it is also accompanied by vomiting and nausea.

Symptoms of Marburg disease

The appearance of the patients during this time seems to be a ghost-like drawn feature. People who are affected by Marburg disease have deep-set eyes, expressionless faces, and extreme lethargy. The incubation period may differ from person to person. Many patients develop severe manifestations during the first five to seven days. Severe conditions can be diagnosed with the symptoms of bleeding from multiple areas. In some patients, bleeding can be found from the gums, nose, and vagina. In severe cases, death occurs mostly after one week preceded by severe blood loss and shock.

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How Does The MVD Spread?

Similar to Ebola disease, the Marburg virus originated from bats. It reaches humans through direct contact with the bodily fluids of infected people, surfaces, and materials. It is a rare virus that was first identified in the year of 1967. 

Marburg virus is originated from bats

How To Find The Disease?

It is difficult to diagnose Marburg disease compared to other diseases such as typhoid fever, meningitis, malaria, and other viral fevers. The following diagnostic tests are helpful for the confirmation of the Marburg virus. 

  • Electron microscopy
  • Antigen-capture detection tests
  • Serum neutralization test
  • Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assay
  • Virus isolation by cell culture


There are no vaccines for Marburg virus disease. People who are affected by the disease are given proper supportive hospital care by maintaining their fluid and electrolyte balance and other considerations. No home remedies are recommended for Marburg virus infections. Mostly MVD-affected people are treated in the intensive care units.

The best preventive measure for avoiding these kinds of diseases is maintaining a distance from the infected patients. Health practitioners have been replacing lost blood and maintaining a good oxygen supply.  

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